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Doing Our Part To Build A Positive PATH For Our Community..

.||Positive Assistance & Therapeutic Health, LLC

Intensive In-Home (IIH)
& Mental Health Skill Building Services (MHSB)

Services Include:

Family Communication
Problem Solving Skills
Behavior Management
Interpersonal Skills
Anger Management
Care Coordination
Service Coordination
24-hour Crisis Response
Individual Interventions
Family Interventions
Transition Planning
Coping Skills

Intensive In-Home (IIH) Intensive In-Home Services provide individual counseling, family counseling, crisis management, and case management to children ages 4 to 17 years old with emotional, behavioral, and/or social needs. These services are designed to help the child while strengthening the family in efforts of preventing an out-of-home placement. These services are conducted in the child’s home by Qualified Mental Health Professionals and Licensed Mental Health Professionals.
Mental Health Skill Building (MHSB) Mental Health Skill-Building Services provides training for individuals over the age of 17 with mental illness, resulting in significant functional impairments in major life activities.


What you help a child to love can be more important than what you help him to learn.

- African Proverbs

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